1. Then Perish

          Then Perish

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          Then Perish is a phrase often accompanied by a red filtered image of former president Barack Obama, which is typically featured in various screenshots of mock text message conversations online.


          On August 17th, 2017, Tumblr user Spooky-Grimwhoire posted a series of screenshots of a role-play text message conversation in which a person replies with a red-tinted picture of Barack Obama and the message "Then perish" in response to a person texting in hewwo-style speech (shown below). It gathered upwards of 133,000 notes.[1]

          H-hewwo is anybody thewe @( x)@ *cave slowly begins to fill with water* Pwease Mr Obama Pwease save me i downt wanna die H-hewwo mr obama awe you still thewe H-hewwo pwease somebody hewp me H-ewwo!! you can feel the surface of the water barely lapping at you* Nononono hewwo!! Hewwo! Hewp me M-mr obama pwease im drowning H-hewwo im scawed God wwest youw soul IlI do anything fow you mr obama pwease hewp Hewwo! Ma'am why awe vou doing this to me Hewwo!! Hewp me pwease Anything? Anything for you mr obama :3 Then perish M-mr obama is that you Hewwo! Pwease hewp me i seem to be in a wittle bit of twubble mr obama hewwo H-hewwo Barack Obama text


          On August 23rd, 2017, Tumblr user Mindfulwrath[2] posted a text post which read:

          honestly “i’ll do whatever you want” “then perish” is the single most powerful exchange possible in the english language and it’s from some bizarre “hewwo” obama rp

          The post gained over 237,000 notes. On September 3rd, Redditor urmomlolroasted[3] posted a screenshot of Mindfulwrath's post along with several reblogs to /r/tumblr, gaining over 550 upvotes. The image began being applied with other text post scenarios on Tumblr. On October 22nd, 2017, Tumblr user chantosakura[4] used the image with an image of a cute animal in the washing machine in a post that has over 83,000 notes (shown below, left). On October 27th, Tumblr user tomatomagica[5] uploaded a parody of the original post using characters from Homestar Runner, gaining over 1,300 notes (shown below, right).

          hantosakura memeberd pwease hewp me i'm DWOWNING face eyebrow nose eye forehead eyelash close up chin cheek Stwong Bad pwease im drowning H-hewwo im scawed Ill do anything fow you Stwong Bad pwease hewp Anything? Anything for you Stwong Bad:3 Then perish text font product cartoon line

          Various Examples

          captainsnoop the fact that obama got called in on jury duty is hilarious. imagine you're in court on some petty misdemeanor like a traffic violation and fuckin obama is there in the jury pokemon-diamond-version imagine if obama pronounced you guilty pokemon-diamond-version it'd be the living embodiment of this meme Then perish D: Fallout: New Vegas face text nose chin head forehead The Independent @Independent Boris Johnson says salary of £141,000 is 'not enough to live on' Boris Johnson says salary of £141,000 is 'not enough to live on independent.co.uk 2:48 pm 01 Oct 17 ambini-socialis THEN PERISH Barack Obama face eyebrow skin nose forehead chin cheek text head eye jaw close up eyelash excuse me i just saw a sign that said "nut then what?" and i almost had a heart attack while driving THE NUT T HEN W HAT? Then perish D: Then PERISH... Splatoon 2 cartoon mammal vision care vertebrate glasses eyewear fictional character Then perish D: Fate/stay night text Cen perish text font handwriting calligraphy

          External References

          [1] Tumblr (via Wayback Machine) – Spooky-Grimwhoire

          [2] Tumblr – Mindfulwrath

          [3] Reddit – /r/tumblr

          [4] Tumblr (via Wayback Machine)- chantosakura

          [5] Tumbr – tomatomagica

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          Jokes Joestar 👌ꙮ
          Jokes Joestar 👌ꙮ

          Oct 27, 2017 at 03:25AM EDT

          My favorite type of shitpost has to be the type that, with a little paraphrasing, can be turned into a line almost indistinguishable from a quote from a literary classic.
          Like so:
          "Please save me! I'll do anything for you!" "Then perish."
          "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here."
          "Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?"
          "…Then I shall face God, and walk backwards into hell."
          "…I'd strike the sun if it insulted me.”

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