1. Freshman Year for Free

      Take tuition-free, high quality courses online from top institutions for college credit.

      Sign Up Explore Courses

      "Freshman Year for Free Takes Aim at Student Debt"

      "The Freshman Year You Don't Have To Pay For"

      How It Works

      1. Choose one or many free courses that interest you from great Universities.

        Explore Courses
      2. Courses prepare you for widely accepted Advanced Placement and CLEP exams already accepted for credit by more than 2,900 colleges and universities.

      3. Courses, textbooks and materials are free; all you need are internet access and your own desire to learn. We offer links to tutoring & mentoring.

        Student Resources
      4. Enroll at a college that grants credit for passing well established AP* or CLEP* exams.

        AP/CLEP- for-credit Universities
      5. Pass eight exams and potentially earn your “Freshman Year for Free.”

        Learn More
      6. Learn more about AP and CLEP; verify that colleges you may attend grant credit for passing scores.

      *AP = Advanced Placement; *CLEP = College Level Examination Program

      Course Providers

      Johns Hopkins
      Arizona State University
      Columbia University
      George Washington
      Davidson Next

      Modern States will pay your AP or CLEP exam fee.

      Click here to find out how

      We have over 30 courses available. Here are nine of them:

      How Modern States Works

      “You can take your entire freshman year, tuition free!”

      NBA Star Jalen Rose

      Student Stories

      “It was totally free. I got college credit for all of the CLEP exams and passed all of them on the first try. I loved being able to learn at my own pace. Modern States is amazing.”

      Ava, Modern States Student

      “I'm using Modern States to complete my engineering degree in the shortest amount of time possible”

      Freeman, Modern States Student

      “I can trust Modern States.”

      Truc, Student, Thomas Jefferson High School

      “For 15 credit hours I’ve essentially paid nothing … which has been awesome!”

      Gene, Modern States Student

      “All of my undergraduate courses, which I can CLEP out of, will go towards my nursing degree and probably save me close to $15,000.”

      Holly, Modern States Student

      “Modern States made it possible to do a five-year degree in four years. It's helping dreams come true.”

      Jonah, Modern States Student

      “I'd like to thank Modern States for even making this possible to students.”

      Darrin Therault, Director of Academic Testing, Kennesaw State University

      “It doesn't matter how old you are. You can go back [to school] with the help of Modern States.”

      Wanda, Modern States Student

      Sign Up Now.

      Freshman Year Free

      Sign Up
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