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        Other Support

        Information on other active and pending support may be requested (often as part of Just-in-Time procedures for grant applications or in progress reports) to ensure there is no scientific, budgetary, or commitment overlap. “Other Support” is sometimes referred to as “current and pending support” or “active and pending support.” Find instructions, blank format pages, and sample Other Support documents below.

        Other Support includes all financial resources, whether Federal, non-Federal, commercial or institutional, available in direct support of an individual's research endeavors, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and/or institutional awards. Training awards, prizes, or gifts do not need to be included.

        Other Support information requested for: ­

        • All individuals designated in an application as senior/key personnel, except
          • Program Directors, training faculty, and other individuals involved in the oversight of training grants
          • Individuals categorized as Other Significant Contributors
        • All senior/key personnel, excluding consultants, in progress reports when there has been a change in active other support, except
          • Program Directors, training faculty, and other individuals involved in the oversight of training grants

        Information collected includes:

        • Project number
        • Contact Principal Investigator
        • Source of support
        • Title of project/subproject
        • Dates of approved/proposed project
        • Person months
        Additional information on Other Support can be found in the Grants Policy Statement and in NOT-OD-19-114: Reminders of NIH Policies on Other Support and on Policies related to Financial Conflicts of Interest and Foreign Components.
        Form Name Form Number Description How to Access Instructions Additional Information Updated Date
        Other Support Format Page (New and Renewal Applications) Information on Other Support is used for grant awards and progress reports.  Blank format page: Other Support format page Instructions:
        NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 2.5.1: Just-in-Time Procedures
        SAMPLE: Other Support - competing
        Other Support

        OMB expiration date updated. For immediate use.
        March 2020
        Other Support Format Page – (Progress Reports) Information on Other Support is used for grant awards and progress reports.  Blank format page: Other Support format page Instructions:
        NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 2.5.1: Just-in-Time Procedures
        Other Support
        – non-competing
        Other Support

        OMB expiration date updated. For immediate use.
        March 2020
        Technical Issues: E-mail OER Webmaster
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