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see how the land lies

To find out about or come to understand a particular state of affairs or the way a situation exists or has developed, especially before taking any decisive or definitive action. Given the turbulent nature of this market, I think it would be prudent for us to see how the land lies before we agree to invest in your company. I'm just seeing how the land lies between my parents before I make any solid plans to come visit them.
See also: how, land, lie, see


tv. to equal someone’s bet in poker. I see your five and raise you ten.


/hear things
To have hallucinations.
References in periodicals archive?
I find myself somewhat like the man near Oral Roberts who didn't see Jesus.
And Tanaquil LeClercq was spiritual--it was awesome to see her move.
Example: "I can't believe I didn't see it." A radiologist sees an abnormality in the small finger, matching the clinical history.
It already has its own specific vehicles and even now we see many cars there that we don't see in Germany.
All along the Eastern seaboard, the material recyclers see mostly current scrap coming into their facilities.
Waller, as well as others (see, for example, Edin, 1995; Furstenberg et al., 1992), found that most mothers would like fathers to be more involved with their children, even if they are not reliable in providing financial support.
But two drugs are more expensive than one, the chances of suffering side effects are greater, and you've got to see a doctor to get them--all of which may explain why many men have turned to herbal supplements to help with their enlarged prostates.
In My Neighbor Totoro, only the children can see the magical forest creatures, while in Grave of the Fireflies, the suffering children are all but invisible to the preoccupied adults around them.
Derek Burns, whose son, also Derek, vanished aged 19, said: "Maybe he'll see this and realise we've never given up looking for him."
"We don't want anyone to see it," said Larry Langford, public information officer for the Office of Emergency Communications.
In its first announcement in Kabul, it ordered women to stay home, not to work outside their houses, to wear the burqa--a head-to-toe cover with meshed holes to see through.
I saw a rat alive on a trap with his stomach cut open and I can see the blood coming out.
It's basically as simple as using litmus paper to see if a solution is acidic or basic by observing whether the paper changes color.
"Many direct underwriters took two-year programs, so we won't see a reaction from the reinsurers until those treaties expire," he said.